Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details - Fully updated with the latest AISC and ICC codes and specifications, Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details, Second Edition, is the most comprehensive resource on load and resistance factor design (LRFD) available. This authoritative volume surveys the leading methods for connecting structural steel components, covering state-of-the-art techniques and materials, and includes new information on welding and connections. Hundreds of detailed examples, photographs, and illustrations are found throughout this practical handbook.

Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details, Second Edition, covers:
- Fasteners and welds for structural connections.
- Connections for axial, moment, and shear forces.
- Welded joint design and production.
- Splices, columns, and truss chords.
- Partially restrained connections.
- Seismic design.
- Structural steel details.
- Connection design for special structures.
- Inspection and quality control.
- Steel deck connections.
- Connection to composite members.

Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details, Second Edition, covers:
- Fasteners and welds for structural connections.
- Connections for axial, moment, and shear forces.
- Welded joint design and production.
- Splices, columns, and truss chords.
- Partially restrained connections.
- Seismic design.
- Structural steel details.
- Connection design for special structures.
- Inspection and quality control.
- Steel deck connections.
- Connection to composite members.
Author Akbar R. Tamboli
Year 2017
Language English
Total Pages 652
Publisher McGraw-Hill Education
File Format PDF
ISBN ISBN-13: 978-1259585517
File Size 14.9 MB
File Size 14.9 MB

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